Arctic Seaweed AS
Main activities
Arctic Seaweed believes that the seaweed industry is here to stay and that there is significant potential to increase volume and a lack of scaling technology. Their mission is to maximise volume as a company, but also as an industry.
They do this by producing their own seaweed, which they currently do at various locations around Bergen (NW). Mainly for the food industry, and indirect for unlocking other areas of the market like fertilizer.
Besides that, Arctic Seaweed offers a cooperative model, called Seaweed as a Service (SaaS). This way the are enabling others to produce seaweed.
To increase the volumes of seaweed, and create a viable business model, they have designed a seaweed platform for industrial farming: with minimal surface clutter, very clean and tidy, designed to be integrated into highly industrialized areas for example in wind farms.
On top of their seaweed technology platform, they also offer a end-to-end production facility that is mobile and can be installed on various types of vessels.They offer direct seeding, harvesting, processing as well as storage in one step so that the client receives a product ready for further processing in their value chain.