Seaweed Highlights

Wind farm location of the world’s first commercial seaweed farm announced – Hollandse Kust Zuid

22/07/2024 - July 22nd, SCHEVENINGEN - This autumn, the world’s first commercial-scale seaweed farm will open within the wind farm ‘Hollandse Kust Zuid’ (HKZ), located about 18 kilometers off the coast of Scheveningen in the North Sea. North Sea Farm 1, created by North Sea Farmers with funding from Amazon’s Right Now Climate Fund, is a floating farm located between wind turbines where seaweed cultivation can be tested and improved. Scientific research will also be conducted on site into the potential of seaweed farms to capture carbon.

Bettafish joins North Sea Farmers

16/07/2024 - BettaF!sh from Germany creates plant-based tuna from seaweed that looks like tuna, tastes like tuna, works like tuna, but "doesn't cost a fortune". Secondly, they want to save the fish in the ocean and get people used to eating seaweed. BettaF!sh was one of the four winners of the Seaweed Innovation Challenge in 2023 and became a member for one year. We are excited that they have chosen to stay connected to the North Sea Farmers community and work together to make a difference with seaweed for food.

Onboarding interview with Ínclita Seaweed Solutions

04/07/2024 - Ínclita Seaweed Solutions (ISS) is a marine biotechnology company born from science and founded in 2018. ISS specializes in developing, producing, and commercializing functional ingredients based on seaweed extracts. ISS's commitment is to sustainability: from working closely with seaweed farmers and harvesters, ensuring a sustainably harvested or produced seaweed biomass, to addressing the cosmetics, nutraceutical, pet care, and food & beverage industries' innovation and sustainability challenges and opportunities.

Members of the House of Representatives invited North Sea Farmers

18/06/2024 - North Sea Farmers was invited by members of the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal) to take part in a round table discussion on innovation in the agricultural sector. An excellent opportunity to inform Dutch politicians about the potential of a strong algae industry with hybrid meat as the driving force. Much attention will also be paid to the necessary conditions for a successful scale-up of production in Europe.

Wool dyed with seaweed residual stream

07/06/2024 - In recent weeks, Zeefier has carried out the first tests of processing residual seaweed into textile dye within the Algae Valor project. The extraction resulted in a dye with which white wool could be dyed beige.

The AlgeaVALOR project aims to make use of seaweed side streams

24/05/2024 - Recently we kicked off AlgaeVALOR. This project aims to utilize seaweed side streams after various extractions have taken place to maximize yield from the precious crop. This will be used in biomaterials and textile dyes. The project partners are Zeefier, BlueBlocks, Spaak, Algaia, The Seaweed Company Green Turtle and UGent.

Direct seeding has never before yielded good results, until now

17/05/2024 - This week we brought in around 70kg Dutch Saccharina Latissima. The seaweed was cultivated as part of the ZeewierSEEDER project, which aims to develop an automatized method to direct seed nets for large scale offshore cultivation.

North Sea Farmers Offshore Test Site now has a 500 m safety zone

17/05/2024 - Working offshore means that safety is the number one priority 👨‍🔧 🌊 . Now the North Sea Farmers Offshore Test Site (OTS) - located 6 miles off the coast of Scheveningen and the largest offshore test site in Europe - has taken a leap forward in safety! At each corner of the site there used to be a Cardinal buoy, which indicated how to sail past the OTS, theoretically close to all kinds of test structures.

New member Tekkoo grows circular and impact enterprises

13/05/2024 - New member Tekkoo aims to grow circular and impact businesses in the seaweed sector. The circular economy innovator does this not only by mentoring these businesses, but by actually participating in the seaweed sector.

First speakers North Sea Seaweed 2024 announced

25/03/2024 - North Sea Seaweed is the annual seaweed event organised by the North Sea Farmers, with this year's theme: Regenerative Horizon. During the two-day event in The Hague, leading speakers from the seaweed industry will present the latest findings and lead the discussion on the future of the seaweed sector. The first speakers are announced.