Young professionals get creative with seaweed


On the 3rd of December, there was small seaweed party in Scheveningen. Stichting Noordzeeboerderij was invited by Business Connected to inspire their Immensa network group, consisting of approximately 45 young and talented (food) professionals.

Marlies and Lotte embraced this challenge and submerged the group into the world of seaweed. Toine Wilke, from Sea Green, poured some extra seaweed knowledge in the mix. Next to an informative presentation, a case challenge and seaweed tastings were on the menu.

The food professionals were positively surprised by all the possibilities of the, for most of them so far unknown, sea vegetable. In return, Toine, Marlies and Lotte were flabbergasted by the creative outcomes of the case challenge they did. At the end of the day, everyone returned home full of inspiration and with a belly full of seaweed.