New offshore seaweed cultivation system in place


Last Thursday, the Interreg Wier&Wind project partners installed the newly developed seaweed cultivation system at the Offshore Test Site of North Sea Farmers. Following a week full of rough weather at sea, the conditions settled just enough to go out and perform the installation of the seaweed cultivation system and two innovative eco-anchors. The seaweed cultivation system is a 50m long, net-based system design that builds on experience from the mussel sector. For this test different net structures have been incorporated to test attachment strength of the seaweed on different substrates and with different seeding techniques. This combination will provide improved insight in the optimal seeding & net combinations. The project will also test an innovative and automated seeding and harvesting machine, designed and built by Murre, that is suitable for offshore operation. This pilot aims to demonstrate that nature-inclusive seaweed production is ready for future deployment in offshore wind farms in the challenging North Sea. 

Looking forward to a successful season we aim to test the harvesting machine in April/May. Around this time, we will also plan a Wier&Wind event where you can learn a lot more on what the Wier&Wind project is about and aims to achieve. Keep an eye on our socials and website for updates regarding this event.

Learn more about the Wier&Wind project here

The project partners are: 

Murre Technologies, GEOxyz, University of Ghent, HZ University of Applied Sciences, The Seaweed Company, North Sea Farmers

Photo credits: Jurriaan Brobbel and North Sea Farmers