Visit at the NSIL to check up on the IMPAQT pilot


About a month ago we've informed you on the drifting seaweed cultivation system and a disconnected monitor buoy in the IMPAQT pilot. These things may happen when you are pioneering, however the challenge is to overcome these setbacks. Time for an update:

Begin July, the Noordzeeboerderij visited the North Sea Innovation Lab again for a large operation with a vessel from Rijkswaterstaat. The purpose of the visit was to repair the communication box (DAS) on our monitoring buoy, inspect the mussel module for possible damage and decommission the remainder of the seaweed module. 

We started with hoisting the monitoring buoy from the water on the deck of the ship, from which we were able to successfully determine and solve the problem in the communication box.

The chains and shackles of the mussel module were inspected. Good news; no damage! Additionally a GPS tracker was successfully installed on one of the main buoys of the mussel module. The decommissioning of the remainder of the seaweed module went really smooth and no issues occurred. A few days after the visit a small setback occurred with the power supply of one of the sensors on the buoy, which is going to be solved on a short notice. To be continued!