Akkerbouw op Zee

What is the project about?  

Building turn-key farm systems for today’s seaweed farmer. The project is a spin-off of a collaboration with consortium Technisch Cluster Scheveningen on farm production systems. 

Why is this important? 

This project unburdens the start-up seaweed farmer by increasing the feasibility and commercial viability of a new farm. Currently, new farmers have to be both sea farmer, as well as project manager, engineer, seed specialist entrepreneur and logistics manager at all once to get to farming. However, if all required materials, technologies and services are turn-key options, a farmer can start right away.  

What were the objectives? 

  • Provide a turn-key production module, much like the idea of an agricultural field 
  • Provide turn-key seeding and harvesting machines for rent 
  • Educate (junior) specialists to have the capacities and resources needed to operate the farm.

What did we do in this project? 

Prototyping new farm systems for optimal seaweed cultivation.  

What are the results? 

Development of SMAC system.  
Redesign of SMAC into development SMAC 2a. 
Optimize SMAC2a in development of prototype SMAC 3.0. 

Who else was involved? 

Algeamech, BOEG Nautic, Noordzee charters, CIV Den Over 

Finance: €63.000
Partners: 5  
Time: 09/2018 – 08/2020 
Contact: Eef brouwers
Website: n.a